Narrations about cutting Nails on Friday

Cure is Bestowed
Hazrat Sayyiduna Humaid bin Abdur Rahman رضی اللہ عنھما narrates via his father, “The one who trims his nails on Friday, Allah عزوجل will remove his disease and bless him with cure.” (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah, pp. 65, vol. 2)
Protection from Afflictions up to Ten Days
Sadr-ush-Shariah Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Amjad Ali Aazmi رحمۃ اللہ تعالٰی علیہ states, “A blessed Hadis says that the one who trims his nails on Friday, Allah عزوجل will protect him from afflictions up to the next Friday including three more days, i.e. ten days in total. In accordance with one more narration, ‘The one trimming his nails on Friday, mercy will approach (him) and (his) sins will be removed. (Bahar-e-Shariat, pp. 226, part. 16, Dur-re-Mukhtar-o-Rad-dul-Mu’tar, pp. 668, 669, vol. 9)
It is preferable to have hair and nails trimmed after Juma Salah. (Durre-Mukhtar ma’ Rad-dul-Mu’tar, V9, P581, Multan)
A Cause of Reduction in Sustenance
Sadr-ush-Shariah Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Amjad Ali Aazmi رحمۃ اللہ تعالٰی علیہ says, “Although it is preferable to trim nails on Friday, yet if the nails are very long; one should not wait till Friday as growing long nails is a cause of reduction in sustenance.” (Bahar-e-Shariat, pp. 225, part. 16)